Open response to IBAC’s 2013 “Special Report”: Exposing the biggest cover up of corruption in Australian history. Part 1



IBAC’s first report tabled to the Victorian Parliament titled: Special Report concerning certain operations in 2013, released yesterday, details the most explosive cover up of government and law enforcement agency corruption, torture, terror and criminality in Australian history. The consequences of these alleged cover ups, will have cataclysmic outcomes for both the Victorian government, and Australian law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The alleged corruption has resulted in the shredding the integrity of police force, the further enabling of organized crime to flourish, resulting in the fraying of Australia’s democratic threads.

On many occasions in recent years we have revealed that former Victoria Police of Chief, Simon Overland and corrupt actors residing within Office of Police Integrity (OPI) and other law enforcement agencies have allegedly engaged in treasonous corruption and heinous crimes against humanity.

Torture and Terror regimes enacted by the State spying apparatus

It can now be revealed that Simon Overland and former Victorian Premier John Brumby allegedly engaged in a tyrannical regime of absolute terror, by what appears to be the alleged outsourcing of torture and murder of Victorian; human rights activists, sex abuse victims, civil libertarians, whistle-blowers and political dissidents, to contract killers and members of the Italian mafia and the controversial cult, the Exclusive Bretheren.

Both the Office of Police Integrity (OPI) and the newly formed Victorian Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) investigators have allegedly repeatedly been in breach of the rule of law, by engaging in the most extraordinary alleged acts involving; covering up corruption; criminal activity; mass human rights abuses; and systemic torture; in addition to privacy and civil liberties breaches, against innocent and naive Australian citizens.

OPI and IBAC cover-up of state sanctioned terror and torture

The half truths, deceptive and misleading nonsense contained within IBAC’s aforementioned report, reveals the absolute bastardy and extraordinary lengths that both former OPI staff and current IBAC operatives have been engaged within, to cover up historical wrongdoings.

It can also be revealed that OPI/ IBAC and Overland’s misguided attempts to allegedly protect members of the Italian mafia and other criminal organizations, have in turn corrupted many government ministers in the Victorian, NSW and Federal parliaments.

This information has been brought to light in the public domain, due to the unprecedented circumstances of cover ups of crimes and corruption relating to; high profile murders; global pedophile rings; serial rapists; serial fraudsters; professional con artists; thieves and a contract killer in the Italian mafia, who have all alegedly been given preferential treatment and in some cases whistle-blower protection over the rights and wellbeing of their victims.

Yes, that’s correct, corrupt actors within Australian law enforcement agencies, in addition to former police chief, Simon Overland, have allegedly repeatedly mislead the Victorian and Australian public, in addition to the Victorian and Federal Parliament, to allegedly protect an Italian mafia hit man, in addition to many key organized crime figures, that were previously wanted by police, for their role in large scale criminal activity. There is a multitude of evidence circulating around the world to support these assertions.

The hypocrisy in the stated functions of the aforementioned agencies and their actual actions is beyond belief.

Furthermore, the public have a right to be informed that this unprecedented malfeasance was allegedly in operation within Victoria Police, under Simon Overland’s stewardship, since 2005.

Furthermore we have cited evidence showing that since 2007, both current and former corrupt OPI/IBAC operators, were intimately aware of and deeply complicit in enabling the terror, torture and cover up of henious crimes against innocent Australian citizens, with their silence allowing the crimes to continue unabated.

To put Simon Overland’s and certain law enforcement agencies alleged corruption and gross ineptitude in perspective, it should be noted that hundreds of millions of dollars of tax payer funded money has been misused, to place innocent Australians under surveillance, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, for in some cases periods of eight years.

Not one of these people in question have every committed a crime. This oppressive surveillance has not been reported to Parliament, the media or the public, for oversight.

This practice is in breach of the rule of law and every human rights instrument in operation across the globe.

Terror and torture enacted against innocent Australian citizens

Additionally tax payer funds and resources have allegedly been engaged to literally terrorize and hound innocent Australian citizens, to death.

In other cases where extensive evidence has been cited, former corrupt OPI operators, in partnership with dubious actors, were allegedly complicit in the alleged murder and silencing of Victorian human rights advocates, whistleblowers and innocent citizens.

It is alleged that these OPI operators, acting in concert with corrupt police, leaked secret intelligence information and police and OPI informer reports to key members of organized crime networks. Hence putting informers lives at risk of serious harm.

This fact has been confirmed and noted in IBAC’s “Special Report” (2013, p9) stating;

The “apparent unlawful disclosure of a large number of sensitive police documents to criminal elements by one or more members of police personnel. Alarmingly, some leaked documents contained the names of police informants in other investigations into serious unlawful activities”.

History repeating, with chess pieces being moved across the board to repeat the same “mistakes”

What is not elucidated on, in the IBAC reports are the actions of former staff member, “Director of Interference” Paul Jevtovic. A man whose actions during his time at OPI left an indelible stain of alleged terror and corruption on the Victorian people.

Paul Jevtovic left OPI around January 2012, to take up a position as the Executive Director, of “Intervention and Prevention”, within the Australian Crime Commission (ACC).

Paul Jevtovic’s actions during his time at ACC mirror the same “mistakes” during his time in power at OPI, which was a period marred by; police corruption matters; phone tapping crisis; Police Minister issues; organized crime infiltration into government bodies; in addition to the alleged sheer terror and torture of more than 500,000 innocent Victorian people.

Furthermore it has been noted that Paul Jevtovic was allegedly responsible for the controversial ACC Organized crime and drugs in Sport report (2013). A mischievous and ill-informed report that was so damaging, that it falsely bought the integrity of the entire Australian sporting industry into question.

Many observers have commented that the suspicious timing of the ACC Drugs in Sport report, coincided with the revelations of wide spread corruption operating within the Labor Party (ALP).

In addition to the misguided attempts by former Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Federal Attorney General Nicola Roxon, to suppress and silence free speech across Australia.

In recent months both Julia Gillard and the new Opposition Leader of the ALP, Bill Shorten, made full public admissions of the “mistakes” they made when in political power.

It has been interpreted that those “mistakes” alluded to the alleged unlawful physical and electronic surveillance of Australian citizens and the further terrorizing, torture and murder of certain targets.

Australian taxpayers funded terror and torture on innocent Australian people

Furthermore tax payer funds have allegedly been utilized to systematically hack into computer systems, medical records, business systems, financial and bank accounts, university records, social media accounts, tax files, telecommunications and email accounts of innocent Australian citizens.

The recent revellations of former NSA contractor William Snowden, go a long way to support this truth.

It has been observed that honest and ethical surveillance targets in Australia were placed under around the clock surveillance, causing them undue harassment, intimidation and fear for their lives, these actions were funded by Australian taxpayers, without any oversight mechanism in place to monitor the torture and terror campaigns.

Shocking abuses of power revealed by innocent OPI and IBAC targets expose massive retribution for their correspondence to both OPI and VicPol.

In many cases we have noted and cited extensive evidence whereby targets have been subjected to the alleged retribution and terror, from corrupt members of state law enforcement agencies and organized crime groups, these crimes including;

• Murder of family and friends
• Torture and bashings of their person, in addition to their supporters
• Threats to kill and acts of “murderous rage” and extreme violence against their person
• Unlawful black listing from employment for multiple years
• Unlawful termination from their employment, without compensation
• Further interference in gaining paid employment
• Break and enter of the business and residential premises and theft of documents
• Large scale theft and dissemination of intellectual property(IP)
• Interference in their marriages, family and social relations
• Interference in their university studies, surveillance and theft of IP
• Interference in medical treatment, in some cases resulting in torture and death
• Interference in medical records, resulting in severe pain and immense suffering
• Interference in judicial matters and legal representation
• Instances of having witnesses, lawyers and magistrates paid off and trials prejudiced.
• Continuous harassment, intimidation and terror campaigns, enacted to break the will of targets and their family members
• Psychiatric torture of innocent family members of both police and OPI informers, designed to break their will, oppress and silence them into submission.
• Tax payer funder cyber terror, cyber defamation and cyber bullying campaigns, run by state sponsored “Dirt Squads”
• Personal identity theft, identity fraud, in addition to theft of company identity theft.

Torture utilized by state agencies to break the will and body of its subjects

It is important to note the United Nations Convention against Torture (1984) defines torture as;

“An act by which severe pain and suffering, whether physical or mental is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him, or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity”

It can be further added that the United States Justice Department (2002) describes mental torture as actions resulting “in significant psychological harm or a significant duration (lasting for months to years)”

And physical torture is described by the US government as pain elevated “to the level of death, organ failure or the permanent impairment of a significant bodily function”.

It is alleged that the American, Australian, British and Canadian governments were all implicitly aware of how breaking the body and minds of their subjects, would result in causing significant harm to the people they allegedly terrorized and tortured.

If this was the case then it must be legitimately questioned why did they continue the practice?

Further questions swirl around law enforcement agencies and governments engaging in further willful blindness, resulting from the enormous harm they were causing the community, from their long armed surveillance apparatus.

It is timely to question why the global spying and terror apparatus was expanded, to inflict grievous bodily and mental harm on many millions of innocent subjects across the planet?

Source Documents:

Click to access opi-annual-report-2007-2008.pdf

Source: Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will (1935)

The Nazi’s effectiveness as a political force, was partly due to their violence deployed against political dissidents, their mass propaganda agenda, which twisted the minds, values and ideology of the German people.
Note how history repeats with similar iterations in operation under the guise of former Australia Prime Minister, Julia Gillard. Attention is focussed on her misguided global “Misogyny Tour”, her political misinformation campaigns, in addition to the ruthless violence, suppression and oppression of the Australian people and refugees, in operation and expansion, when she was in political power.

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The revelation of the aforementioned explosive revelations, is in direct response IBAC s “Special Report” (2012 – 2013), detailing extensive misinformation and half truths to the Australian people and media.

The release of the above facts are very much in the public interest, as they report the extraordinary abuse of power, that Australian Law Enforcement and Intelligence agencies have allegedly been engaged in.

It has been noted that if the state of Victoria had a proper functioning Whistleblower Protection scheme, which was not selective in which people it protected and which cases it investigated; in addition to a legitimate and ethical Anti-Corruption body ,that genuinely investigated and charged corrupt “special” politicians, OPI investigators and public servants, then morally righteous investigative journalists and bloggers, would have no need to freely publish facts, in the public interest, pertaining to alleged serious corruption.

It is indeed the role of the fourth estate to inform the public, to create a public sphere for informed debate and expose wrong doing by public figures. Regardless of the embarrassment and humiliation that criminal wrongdoing may case “special politicians”, public servants and corrupt investigators and lawyers.

Disclaimer: The aforementioned opinion is politically protected free speech as defined under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Doctrine.

If we didn’t publish these facts and evidence, someone else would.

Those involved in the corruption are well advised to get over their mass humiliation and admit their wrong doing.

Readers also should be advised that all evidence detailed in all of our works is encrypted and held on international servers. Additional backup copies of evidence is held with an international whistle blowing organisation.

Our researchers and writers hold no evidence whatsoever on their person, physical premises or in any digital form. This measure is taken for their own protection.

All evidence presented to our researchers is cross referenced and checked and verified. In many instances we do not proceed with publishing facts, if the evidence has not been verified, or is not in the public interest.

In this case this story is in the public interest and we have cited voluminous amounts of evidence supporting our opinions.

Should any people reading our opinion have concerns for their mental welfare or are feeling suicidal about their dirty secrets being publicly exposed, we suggest they contact Jeff Kennett at Beyond Blue.

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